Live the Questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually, without even noticing it,
live your way into the answer.
~Rainer Maria Rilke
Uncover the Divinity in the Ordinary.
A riff on a mystical tradition,
where the words of luminaries become a gateway
into our mysterious imagination.
Follow intuition and connect
with your uncommon as we read, reflect
and lose ourselves in writing.
Discover the potency of a creative process that
makes room for the unexpected.
*Quiet the critical mind.
*Journey into your undomesticated imagination.
*Savor language and conversation.
*Inhabit yourself through words.
Open to the curious and the skeptical
No experience needed
Bring your preferred writing tools
(suggested contribution $12 -$24)
Wait List
Please specify ‘Drop-in’ on the form.
Include your time/day preference:
Tuesday OR Wednesday
11 am OR 6:30pm
Limited Enrollment
2-hour Sessions
mid-September and early February TBA
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 11am/6:30pm
Reserve your Space/Early Invite HERE
Please specify ‘Immersion’
and note day/time preference on your reservation form.
Venmo: @regan-halas (image of a white moth)
About Divinatory Poetics
For the purposes of creative adventure, I curate atmospheric, loosely-ritualized, non-dogmatic, experimental laboratories in which people can be alone-together, immersed in their journey and where attuning to nature, instinct, emotional weathers and the absurdity of it all is part of the dance.
These sessions are of interest to those who wish to explore the creative process and examine language, intuition, meaning and ideas. Participants will scout pathways into their imaginative interior and emerge with material to develop, refine and fertilize other projects.