“Every query whatsoever has its solution inherent within it.”
~Austin Osman Spare
The articulation of an inquiry clarifies your relationship to a situation
and initiates a process of receptivity, insight and clarity.
*Focus one thing at a time.
*How does articulating this question feel? Re-formulate until something clicks, relaxes or resonates.
*Recognize disappointment (of expectations).
*Prepare to receive unexpected insights from unexpected angles.
*Yes or No questions are reductive. Frame a question toward gaining insight rather than a projected outcome.
*Questions are about you and from your own perspective.
*I wish to receive insight into the nature of my relationship with...(person/situation).
*I wish to receive insight on my posture regarding…(relationship/vocation/circumstance).
*What do I need to know about…(in order to make a more informed decision)?
*What will lessons might I learn if ... ?
*What would it be helpful to be aware of regarding…?
*What do I need to know about…?
*What insights can I gain from…?
*Please provide me with a healing perspective on….
*What is the message for me in…?
*Please provide some insight and perspective on...(relationship/event/circumstance).
*What information may help me to make a wise decision regarding...?
*How might I draw more .... into my life?
*What might I do to create …
*What might I do to cultivate/support/encourage…?
*What lessons might I learn from this person?
*What might this person symbolize in my life?
*What energies/dynamic would it be beneficial for me to be aware of regarding this relationship?
*What might be the significance of … in my life?
I use the worlds may and might because
Nothing is fixed
It is your perception of and participation in an inquiry
that initiates the insight and action that leads to clarity.