A Divinatory Poetics

Through my image-making processes / ‘Voicings’, I explore aesthetic paradox, rhythmic chaos, and articulate imperfection. ‘Divinatory Poetics’ is my phrase for the way language emerges from these patterns of the sensuous body, meaning-seeking mind and the landscape in which they are embedded – this is the crossroads where divinity sits. Mystical (contemplative) practices and perspectives are the soil for my work; learning to ride the storms of emotional reactivity and environmental turbulence within the holy struggle of an artistic practice is a life-long undertaking.

My current foci: abstract painting (mixed media & oils), photography (analog preferred), somatic movement and ‘Voicings’ (written & voiced lyricisms) iterate the interplay between stillness and gesture, contemplation and utterance. I am interested in the geography of what is built up and worn down organically over time and what moves beneath surfaces. Texture, saturation, subtlety, depth, asymmetry and contrast are critical compositional considerations.

For the purposes of good 'conversation', I curate absurd, atmospheric, loosely-ritualized, non-dogmatic, experimental, improvisatory workshop environments in which people can be alone-together, immersed in imaginative play where the capability to listen and respond to the instinctual body, emotional weathers and natural environment is of central interest.