Wound. chamber. gateway
Make a donation to Planned Parenthood and submit your name for a chance to win this painting.
100% of proceeds go to Planned Parenthood.
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Drawing will be held on August 5th, 2022.
I will send out an email with the results at that time.
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>Please email a screen-shot of your receipt, name and email or phone number so I can contact you (my thanks/if you win) to: rdrouin26@gmail.com or use this CONTACT form.
submit your donation to Regan’s Paypal account at: rdrouin26@gmail.com
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First Friday North Adams. July 2022.
Addendum: June 24, 2022
Roe Vs. Wade overturned.
(quotations added to the painting)
I am not free while any woman is unfree.
Audre Lorde
(Audre Lorde was an American writer, feminist, womanist, librarian, and civil rights activist. She was a self-described "black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet," who "dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia.") Wickipedia
Courage Calls to Courage Everywhere.
Millicent Fawcett
English politician, writer and feminist. She campaigned for women's suffrage by legal change and in 1897–1919 led Britain's largest women's rights association, the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Wikipedia)
(…the following was written in March of 2021)
During the making of this painting, I was ensconced in a study of the divine feminine as articulated in The Gospel of Mary of Magdalene, (trnsl. Jean-Yves LeLoup). I was also concentrating upon shadow-work-oriented endeavors to liberate internalized dogmas and reclaim sovereignty, (heart, mind, VOICE) from the various and sundry ‘spiritual’ fathers of my past.
The design concept for Wound. Chamber. Gateway. was catalyzed (in part) by a graceful depiction of the slit wounds in Christ’s palms…how very vulvic they are my dears!
I was seeing a lot of red in/during my work and began exploring the somatic impressions of that hue: sexual, hot, passionate, rage: pumping blood. As I turned my attention to the living rivers coursing and thrumming beneath my skin, I reflected on the many occasions in which i have deferred my inner authority in order to confirm to precepts ordained by an external one: visceral memories of swallowing my voice and being too afraid to give voice.
I saw myself as the mountainous body of a volcano, lava moving beneath its surface. The urge to move that rage though my lips rises up in me. My inquiry: what is the image, the feeling, the sound, the potent potential of a voice raised in the service of wisdom? How can concentrated, scintillating, throbbing, anger be channeled intelligently so that it becomes a fire that burns away detritus and the wrath that does not abide injustice?
The imagery that emerged echoes the thought-in-act process it shepherded. May this piece carry the vibes of this, my most recent ‘education’ and re-memorying.